What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

The response time was amazing within an hour of receiving my call the crew was here and equipment was put into action saving us from more damage.The equipment was very clean and worked perfect. The South Tampa crew was also amazing addressing the problem and putting the dryers,blowers in all the right places a great job and a great crew. Thank you SERVPRO

We recently had to redo an entire condo in the South Tampa Florida area. They went above and beyond our needs and we were very happy with everything they did including their very positive customer service!

Let me just say that the SERVPRO South Tampa team helped our family in a time of need and helped us after our daughter completely flooded our home. Imagine having a disaster in your home with 4 kids on the night of our son's birthday. The SERVPRO Team was literally at our house within the hour when most companies don't work on the weekend.

When I had water intrusion in my family room, Brian was out immediately inspecting the walls, ceiling and foundation with an infrared camera identifying the source area. He found that it came in thru a crack in the foundation and not from the roof. Thank goodness it had not wicked up the walls yet! Drying equipment was set up immediately! He was very professional, polite, helpful and I was relieved! Thank You!!!